Norfolk & Norwich Koblenz Friendship Association (NNKFA)
Membership Application Form
The personal details given on this form are stored in a secure spreadsheet and used to contact members on NNKFA related business only. These will be treated with complete confidentiality and not given to any third party without your permission.
Name 1: ……………………..
Mobile Telephone: ……………….
E-Mail address: (please print clearly)
Name 2: ……………………..
Mobile Telephone: ……………….
E-Mail address:
Address: ………………………..
Post Code: ……………..
Landline Telephone: …………….
Birthday Dates: ……………. (Not compulsory)
I/We agree that my/our participation in any activity or event organised by NNKFA will be entirely at my own risk and responsibility, and that I/we will not hold the association liable for any loss, injury, death, or damages, however caused.
Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December Payment by cheque / bank transfer (delete as appropriate)
I/We have read and understood this document:
I/We would like to apply for membership to NNKFA.
Signed: ……………………….
Dated: ………..
Please complete and return this form to Margaret, our membership secretary, either via email or by post,
together with the annual subscription of £6 per person
Cheques payable to NNKFA, or | by bank transfer to Coop Bank ‘NNKFA’, sort code: 08-92-99, a/c 65420913 as your reference, please use ‘Subs’ and your initials |
Thank you Margaret Young, membership secretary
Mrs M. S. Young, Email:
72 School Lane,
Sprowston, tel: 01603 482485 mob: 07799 326844
Norwich, NR7 8TQ
This form can be found on the NNKFA website www.nnkfa,com